About Conscious Ease
The term Conscious Ease came to me as I was healing from a traumatic car accident in 2011. Along with physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, cranial sacral, Reiki, myofascial release, breath-work and mindfulness, I was also doing affirmations to release the constant pain and tension, saying to myself, "No pain, no pain, no pain." However, I soon realized that by using the word pain, I was actually attracting pain, not releasing it at all. During one of my daily meditations, I began to explore what the opposite of pain was. Even though I didn't know what the opposite was yet, I knew THAT was what I needed to focus on. I meditated more on this and I came to realize that it was my my sense of "ease" that I had lost. Ease was the opposite of pain! I knew I needed to regain that sense of ease, but I also knew I could not go back to the unconscious state of ease that I had before my accident. I had to find a new way to be in my body.
Before my accident I was in a state of UNCONSCIOUS EASE. After my accident, I was in a constant state of CONSCIOUS DIS-EASE (pain); the pain was acutely present all the hours of my day. In order to move forward with a new sense of ease I had to learn how to achieve CONSCIOUS EASE. As I focused on bringing conscious ease into my body, subtle changes began to happen, pain began to release (I was no longer focusing on pain), and Alexander technique showed up in my life. The results I experienced from just a few sessions were so profound for me I knew I needed to learn how to do this to help others. Alexander technique was and is like nothing I have ever experienced before. I have since regained full movement in my body from that car accident and I'm so excited to be sharing this state of conscious ease with others.
Before my accident I was in a state of UNCONSCIOUS EASE. After my accident, I was in a constant state of CONSCIOUS DIS-EASE (pain); the pain was acutely present all the hours of my day. In order to move forward with a new sense of ease I had to learn how to achieve CONSCIOUS EASE. As I focused on bringing conscious ease into my body, subtle changes began to happen, pain began to release (I was no longer focusing on pain), and Alexander technique showed up in my life. The results I experienced from just a few sessions were so profound for me I knew I needed to learn how to do this to help others. Alexander technique was and is like nothing I have ever experienced before. I have since regained full movement in my body from that car accident and I'm so excited to be sharing this state of conscious ease with others.
When I realized that "Conscious Ease" was the sate of being that I needed to learn, that's when the Alexander Technique came into my life. This technique seemed like an extension of my mindfulness practice that I resonated with immediately.
Alexander Technique, for me, was bringing my mindfulness practice, more consciousness, into my physical body.
After my first session I said, "I have to know how to do this!"
I started training in Alexander Technique and Cognitive Anatomy with Michael Mazur. Michael has taken Alexander Technique to the next level by creating Cognitive Anatomy. Cognitive Anatomy is a unique form of body work in combination with movement education that derives from Alexander Technique.
I have been practicing the techniques and have seen wonderful results in others. As I embody the wisdom of all of my training and life experience, the call to share this wisdom with others inspires me.
Alexander Technique, for me, was bringing my mindfulness practice, more consciousness, into my physical body.
After my first session I said, "I have to know how to do this!"
I started training in Alexander Technique and Cognitive Anatomy with Michael Mazur. Michael has taken Alexander Technique to the next level by creating Cognitive Anatomy. Cognitive Anatomy is a unique form of body work in combination with movement education that derives from Alexander Technique.
I have been practicing the techniques and have seen wonderful results in others. As I embody the wisdom of all of my training and life experience, the call to share this wisdom with others inspires me.